Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's In for 2009

Today's Horoscope: mine said, 'You'll have to wait until May to get what you want, but think of it this way - you've something to look forward to!"

What's-Up-With-That? Didn't I have my share of bads already? What did I do to deserve this? I guess I should look on the bright side, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's a lot better than my Ox year prediction-- I'm supposed to have a rotten year when the ox (or the cow) comes around. Gee... I can't hardly wait!!

*Sigh*. Oh well, life goes on. Let's make the best of it. There is no other way. I hope you all the very best too.

Happy thoughts, people.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Lack of Depth

Point and Shoot. Finally getting somewhere understanding how to take more sophisticated pictures with my little camera.

I'm always impressed how people take pictures that show depth and dimensions. Some of my pics are not too bad (lucky shots), but I always feel that my pics lack something. It's like playing a nice piece of music but with the wrong instrument -- something just doesn't seem right.

I have asked James, my professional- photographing brother, how to take pictures that are both focused and blurry. He tried explaining HOW to me many times. It's called Depth of Field (DOF) and it has to do with apertures, light, focal lengths, blah, blah, blah... Huh? I usually get more confused afterward.

How Deep Does This Get?

#1 F-numbers (f-stops) are in reverse order of the aperture size. Increasing f-stop means decreasing aperture.

#2 Smaller apertures increase DOF. Conversely, larger apertures decrease DOF.

But remember...

#3 More (deep) DOF means all will be in focus, where as less (shallow) DOF means only the main subject is in focus resulting in more artistic pictures.

What Does It Mean? In this case, SHALLOW is more sophisticated than DEEP I gather...

I thought I was hopelessly lost. Perhaps auto mode is all I can handle. However, something magically happened today -- something clicked in my brain and this DOF thing all of a sudden made sense to me!

So, take a look at the pics taken with my newly acquired knowledge today. What do you think? Did I get my shallow DOF?

I owe my new found knowledge to this web site:

Now, onward to figuring out shutter speeds and ISOs...

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

So Now What after X'Mas?

I dislike the day after Christmas. It feels like a deflated balloon. It takes weeks (or months this year) to inflate the holiday balloon. Then, as soon as Christmas is over, everything is all let out overnight. No more decorations, no more excitement, and no more Christmas music. Only emptiness is left behind and naked Christmas trees being left by the curb.

Ironically, those lovely wrapped presents, carefully placed under the tree, are being brought back to the stores for exchanges or refund. Admit it, some of you can't wait to return them. Ugh!

Somehow holiday season is turning into shopping season. Why do people have to shop especially during this time? So, gift giving is a reason but a lot of people buy for themselves. Holiday spirit should be about family, love, sharing, appreciating and treasuring the good things that one has in life. Why do people have to go running around, spending money and then getting all stressed out??

I spent a total of $75.00 on gift this year -- on the kids who innocently believe there is Santa Clause. No, Auntie is not going to tell them that there is no Santa Clause.

But I did get something. I got my family and I was able to cook and eat dinner with them on Christmas Eve. Can't ask for more.

Make everyday a holiday people. Celebrate that you have another safe and peaceful day and you get to say Good Night to your loved ones.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

It's So Hard to Say Good Bye

Dudu Keng: 5/29/1996 - 12/12/2008

Robert and I had to say good-bye to Dudu today. His kidney failed and he was not responding to treatment. Dr. Kim said best to let him go because he was suffering. Robert and I knew it was the best for Dudu but does it hurt to make that decision.

The pain was just as bad as when we had to let Max go. It never gets easier. Knowing that no one will be waiting at the door is heartbreaking. No wagging, no running in circles, no demanding for hugs and treats... life is so different without Max then and Dudu now.

Dudu. His name meant round and chubby in Chinese. Yap, he was a chubby puppy running fast on 4 stubby legs. He grew to become quite a handsome boy. He had thought that he could be the alpha dog in the house but gave up after trying for a day. Max was Mr. Alpha. Dudu wasn't sour though. He was happy to be the little brother following Max around. they were inseparable.

Dudu became our only son when Max passed away. He filled the void left by Max and eased our pain of losing Max. He faithfully kept Robert company when he worked in the wee hours. He rather stayed with Robert and sleep on the floor than in his doggy bed in the bedroom.

It's so true that dogs are man's special friends. They never complain and never ask for anything in return. We are truly lucky to be selected as their best friends.

Rest in peace, Dudu. Thank you for all the love and joy. You were a wonderful doggy and it was a privilege to be your mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

When the Stars Line Up...

I've been noticing a pretty sight in the night sky these past few days around 6pm or so. Two bright stars twinkling near the moon. They are big, bright and shiny. I thought they were airplanes at first. But, together? Every night around the same time? I don't think so. I think they are some planets but which two?

So I googled "two stars with the moon on 12/2/08" and amazingly I got answers!! These two stars are actually planet Venus and Jupiter and they are in conjunction.

Think Back. What do I remember from my astronomy class eons ago? Nothing! I do remember my astronomy class was at 8am and I usually fell back to sleep when the room was dimmed and the planets and constellations were projected on the dome ceiling. ZZZZZZZ....

Venus and Jupiter seem to hang closely together (that's what conjunction means). As we all know, it just looks that way. Venus is inside the Earth's orbit and Jupiter outside. They are actually 500 million miles apart.

That's 500,000,000 miles!!

It's really a amazing sight. Two sparkling objects out-shining everything in the sky. The planets accompany the moon harmoniously. We are looking at part of our solar system. It's awesome!

I've tried taking pictures but I just can't capture the beauty of our night sky with my little camera.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Thankful!

THANKSGIVING 2008. The holiday came and gone. The turkey was cooked and eaten. But, thankfulness stays. I'm very thankful that it was another good year with no major hiccups. Life may not be perfect but I really can't complain.

I'm thankful that mom and dad are relatively healthy. Mom continues to improve. I'm thankful that Robert, James, Jason, Jennifer, Caitlin, Brandon and Carli are healthy and safe. Oh, I must add Karen to the list now. What a great girl to enter James' life!

I'm thankful that I have true friends and more friends reconnected via Web 2.0. Friendship is precious and I treasure every one of them. Thank you for being there for me!!

The world may not be perfect but it was a perfect evening for the family. Being together is the most important thing for me and I'm thankful that I have the opportunity.

And I'm very thankful that Jennifer was the one who tackled this 22-pound turkey.

Friday, November 21, 2008

We're Underwater. Can You Hold Your Breath?

Dow Jones tanked big time. Another 445 points today. The Market is now below 8,000. S&P is at its lowest since 1997. The Bay Area median house price is down 46% from this time last year. What else is down? Well, oil price, after a record high this summer, is now way down. The only thing that's up is unemployment. AND THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!

So what's wrong with our economy? Most of us are at a loss and we, the average people, are wondering why are we part of this mess. We are just victims. We, the average people, did not play big on the stock market and did not buy houses that we can't afford. Yet, we are being sucked underwater by the pull of this big sinking ship along with those who created this mess. We can only swim as fast as we can to stay afloat and wondering WHY? WHY? WHY? Ugh!

The Worst. I had to lay someone off today. The worst part was that it had to happen at the worst time of the year, the worst of the job market, the worst of worst of everything. I felt the fear and the helplessness. But what can I do? Who is next? How many more? Will it be me down the road?

In addition to the ground sinking, the sky falling. Our world is collapsing like a super nova. What awaits us? I hope it's not the black hole.

Be safe everyone. I wish you all the best!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

This Week in New York

Two things happened this week during my visit to New York: the presidential election and my birthday.

This election was historical either way; my birthday was memorable. I celebrated my birthday with cousin Chin-Huey and her husband at a Portuguese restaurant in Newark after I took the subway and then the train to New Jersey. Never thought I would have celebrated any of my birthdays there and with them. Funny how life goes. It was a fun night.

How about the NY underground?? Huge! Like a complicated maze! So many people and so many exits. Need to have strong legs and fast feet to run from one platform to another to catch the transfers. My ride was: Subway S from Grand Central Station to Time Square --> Subway 2 to NY Penn Station --> NJ Transit to Newark. It took an hour and about $6.

Subway: human sardine cans. This is what New York commuters have to go through everyday. It makes our BART ride a breeze. Happy to have experienced it once so I can talk about it. The NJ transit train moved slower than expected. Somehow I was expecting it to zip through like a bullet train.

The Grand Central Station is beautiful and big. The New York Penn Station is even bigger. People rushing here and there - kind of like ants hurrying in and out of different tunnels. The Newark Penn Station is split on two sides of Market Street. Ching-Huey and I couldn't find each other because we were waiting at different side and different end of the station.

Note to self: pick a corner and stay.

The Big Chill. It rained all week but not cold at all. The biggest chill has to be the global economic crisis that is turning countries upside down. One bad news after another. The rain was very suitable for the mood especially in Manhattan.

Home Sweet Home. Glad to be back and leave the cold and misery outside.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Sign of the Time

None Are Left. Virgin America has gone over to the other side now that it's charging $2 for a headset; no more bottle water for the free taking, and no napkins unless asked - - and you only get one single sheet. All the amenities that I still got to enjoy just 3 months ago are gone.

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join Them. OK. I can take that. Things are expensive and cost control is vital. If JetBlue, US Airway and other airlines can charge $7 for pillows and blankets among other things, then VA can play the same game. But, what's up with no "hi" and "bye" by the door as you board and leave the plane? Are they not free anymore?

The name of the game: Cut, Cut, Cut.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Clicking Right Along

My definition of good luck is when things click along. It could be as simple as: I get to BART, a nice parking spot is waiting for me. I get to the platform and the train pulls in right after me. I get a seat and there is no train delay. I go get a cup of coffee on my way to the office and there is no line.

Yes, good luck means things clicking along. It doesn't have to be wining the lotto (although that would be very nice) and it doesn't having to be finding money on the street. Just little things that make my day.

I had a clicking-right-along day last Friday. I took my car to Weatherford for an oil change. No traffic going over the bridge to Berkeley. No delay in catching a shuttle to BART then to work. In the afternoon, I caught a 5:06pm BART train to Berkeley. I called the dealer for a shuttle, and it came in 3 minutes. It was on its way to pick up someone else and I happened to get there at the right time. Or, it would have been at least a 20-minute wait. I picked up my car and had a smooth ride back home. No delay on the Bay Bridge going west bound on a Friday - now that's very lucky! Radio mentioned that there was a delay on BART because of police action at the Embarcadero Station. It was my station and it was after I boarded the 5:06pm train. I was lucky to miss the commotion. If I were to miss the 5:06pm train, then I would have missed the last shuttle (last run 5:30pm). And with my usual bad luck, by the time I get to the shop, it would have been closed! It didn't happen to me, HA!

I had a lucky day because things just clicked along. Now, may I ask that all my days be as lucky as this Friday? I don't ask much. Just want things to click right along.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is My Angel Down?

I wonder why bad luck seems to loom over me like a dark cloud. What did I do? Did I step on my guardian angel -- accidentally? Things just don't seem to go right. There' s hiccup at every turn. Some time I just have to laugh because it's kind of ridiculous. Besides, the alternative is to cry but that doesn't help.

Whatever can go wrong, it went wrong. I even know what wrong would follow. Sad, isn't it?

So what do I have to do to break up the bad luck spell? I don't think I've done anything bad or evil to anything or any one. Hey, I even do random kindness because it makes me feel good.

I'm not even asking for much - I just want to ride on a less bumpy road. I just want smooth sailing down my path. No breakdowns, no delays, no surprises. I can handle the rest.

Ugh! To think that next year, the Ox, will not be too kind to me. I hate to think what's in store... Will it be worse than now? In what ways? Am I paying forward now?

So my guardian angel, forgive me if I stepped on you when you fell. I wish you a speedy recovery so you can be back at my side soon.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

When Family Gets Together…

Big Aunt flew from Taiwan to LA last Monday with her son and daughter, Dr. Chen and Kelly. After one day of rest, they drove up to visit. ChingYing, Auntie’s second daughter, decided to come along. We were so excited because this meant we got to see most of their family except ChingHuey who is in New Jersey.

This was a rare occasion that so many of us could get together - under one roof - and for three WHOLE days!!!

WE EAT. Doesn't matter when and where. First order of the business: put food on the table and chow down. They arrived late on Wednesday (10/8) because the darn GPS didn’t work. I prepared a lavish seafood dinner and we waited for them to finally arrive at 9:30pm. I did my famous clam bake, boiled up two Dungeness crabs and shucked a dozen oysters. It was Woos and Ahhs all the way to 1:30am. I felt so accomplished that I demonstrated more of my culinary talents the next two nights. I think everyone was so excited that no one really cared how I cooked.

WE DRINK. Didn’t know we could drink. We had such a great time just sitting around the table sipping wine and enjoying like there was no tomorrow. Well, for me there was, because I had to go to work. But we really made the most of it. My little wine rack was almost empty but Dr. Chen restocked it before he left.

WE TALK,LAUGH AND SING. We did our best to catch up in the three days that they were here. There were so many stories to tell, new and old. Mom and Auntie were telling us stories from their childhood. We were teasing each other about our childhood. When the Moms and Dads were dating, one of the kids (older cousins) usually tagged along. When my older cousins started dating, the younger ones (like my brothers and I) would usually tag along. We laughed at family jokes. Someone would start singing out of the blue and the rest would joined in - that's a tradmark of our family. The clinking of the glass, the cheers and the laughter could be heard outside of the house into the wee hours. Nights were very young.

WE CRY. When it was time for them to leave to go back to LA on Saturday (10/11), Mom and Auntie hugged and cried. The girls were hugging and crying too. The guys ran away but they were red-eyed. The farewell went around for about 30 minutes. Endless pictures taking and more hugging and crying. Eventually, we did have to part. They drove off but we kept waving at each other until the car turned the corner.

Blood is thicker than water (and wine). It’s so hard to say good bye.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The New CA Academay of Science

I got to visit the new California Academy of Science before the grand opening today. It has always been one of my favorite places in SF even though the old building was crowded, dim, dark, and desperately needed a make over. Well, after years of planning, it got more than a face-lift. The old museum was torn down and a brand new shiny building took its place. It's a FABU building!! Grand, spacious, and modern. Simple lines supported by classic columns. Natural light beams down from little round windows from the dome ceiling and fills the entire space softly -- just perfect for picture taking. You know there are millions of species of animals (including human) under the roof, but you don't feel the squeeze. There's plenty of room for everything and everyone.

The land animals are displayed on the ground floor; the marine life the level below - very appropriate. The glass wall, ceiling, floor at strategic places allow people to peer through giving the entire place a very 3-dimensional feel. A giant glass sphere in the center houses the rainforest. It was closed though on my visit.

After my visit, I walked away with great
appreciation for being able to share this planet with so many beautiful creatures. It's up to us humans to keep it up and to preserve for the future generations.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

I'll Make My Own Good Luck

So, 've been thinking about my bad lucks and trying to put POSITIVE THINKING to work. I figured what happened happened. Getting all upset won't make it better. So, why don't I look at the whole thing this way...

#1 swollen cheek - it still hurts but I do have a nice discount for the dental work. I could have been paying more and still have the pain.

#2 allergic reaction - it went away as fast as it came. I didn't end up in the emergency after all.

#3 steaming car - luckily it happened after I parked. I was not stuck on the freeway. The tow truck came within 20 minutes and no hassle getting it towed to a repair shop with nice people.

#4 ouchy repair bill - well, I would have paid more if at the dealer shop.

So all in all, what happened happened, but it could have been worse but didn't. Ain't I lucky or not???
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bad Luck Comes in Threes

Why?Why?Why? I want to know because it keeps happening to me. The last string started two days ago.

#1 - Tuesday. Swollen left cheek from dentist visit due to too many shots given to numb a stubborn tooth (hope the swelling is not permanent).
#2 - Wednesday. Sudden onset of an allergic reaction to something so severe that I almost had to go to the emergency.
#3 - Thursday. Steam bursting out under my car hood like a boiling tea kettle. Had the car towed and waiting for a diagnosis on the problem. Maybe I won't get bad luck #4 in the form of expensive repair now that I have my three.

If this is meant to be in trio, then fine. Just make sure that my good luck comes in threes too. I can use all of them now.
2:10pm - Just got words from the auto mechanic. I have a bad problem. "It can't get worst than this" he said.


Monday, September 08, 2008

Mobile Blogging

I'm trying out this " blogging on the go" feature - instant publication of our spontaneity. Great for those MUST-SHARE-NOW moments. What happens to the good old days of keeping your thoughts and feelings secret? Yes, remember those diary books? You write down your most private thoughts alone in a quiet place. Lock the book and hide the key... shhhh...

The world is surely changing but in a good way. I'll play along...
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What’s That White Thing Doing on My Head?

Brushing my hair as usually and I spotted this short little stubby white thing standing tall on my head.

Ugh! Is it what I fear? Is it here now?
Yap. It’s a white hair all right. I thought it might have been a reflection from the light but nope, it’s white and silvery. I pulled it, examined it, confirmed it. I’m officially old age now! Ugh!

Devastating… never thought I would have white hair… never thought I would have to face this eventuality. One white hair, but you know there is more hidden.

Up to this point, I think I’m the only one among my buddies who still have not had any but no more... I'm joining the silvery crowd.

One white hair - so what you might say - may not be much but it’s a heavy blow to my sense of youthfulness. Of course I’m not young, but I can’t even pretend any more. Ugh!

I'm handling well though. Somehow this is not as depressing as when I found my one white eyelash couple of years ago. It was an early sign and I guessed I am prepared for it.

OK, white hair. Nice meeting you but you’ll have to go. Don't rush to come back or bring your friends with you – not all at once anyway.

Hello middle age, here I come!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Color Before Me

FINALLY! After all these years, RK decided to move into the master bedroom. It used to be his mom's room when she came staying with him, then it was always served as a guest bedroom. For the past year, it was more or less a storage room. What a waste!

RK decided that he wanted color for his new room. The room went from plain white to a warm shade of green with gold accent. Check out the "after" picture. Doesn't it look like a show room? Wow! It looked really nice with the brand new bed that he had for the longest time (but just recently assembled). Once RK cleared out all the stuff, I actually got to see the sliding door that opened to the pool side. The room even has a resort feel when the door is open, the sun shines in and a soft breeze brings in the outdoor scent. Nice!! -- Hey babe, you had a paradise in disguise!

What goes with warm light green and gold?
How about red? That's what RK did to the little master bathroom. The color was bold and loud but it contrasted nicely with the calmness of the bedroom.
So now the room is done but RK still has not moved in. It's too pretty he said. OK... then, I shall claim it mine. teehee!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Take Notes...

I attended a HR seminar today (oh, past midnight, so yesterday) learning how to make business cases for HR projects. It was a very informative session but the biggest take away for me was a quote from Peter Druker.

"Long range planning does not deal with future decisions... but with the future of present decisions."

Simple yet so precise and clear. It helped me frame my thought process and see straight. I just have to share with you.

Want more Peter Drucker? Check this out: Peter Drucker Quotes

Saturday, July 26, 2008

NYC: The Good,The Bad & The Ugly

THE UGLY. Hot. Steamy. Sticky. Stuffy. Cloudy and Rainy. Not a very good combo for summer. The humidity is just too much for me. Want a different summer? Come visit San Francisco!

Ladies were all in sun dresses baring shoulders and legs. Funny how everyone (yes, even the guys) was wearing flip-flaps - not the nice ones too. I looked out of place in my loafers.

THE BAD. I had a horrible hotel experience this time. The AC broke down. It would ice up and block the air flow. So, the AC man said to turn it to warm to melt the ice. WHAT? Then from Wednesday night on, there was no hot water - just luke warm - for shower. So, I was cold in the shower, and hot in the room. Well! That was one heck of a way to experience the NY summer.

THE GOOD. I countered the worst with the best. I got to see cousin Ching-Huey and her husband. It has been so long since I last saw her - and this is the first time I met Mr. Chang (and they've been married over 20 years). They drove over from New Jersey last night fighting traffic all the way. I booked a table for dinner at City Crab & Seafood Company. It was a pretty nice restaurant. It happened to be the New York Restaurant Week so we all went for the pre-fix menu. Three of us shared 3 appetizers, 3 main courses and 3 desserts. Oh, yes, we had a oyster platter too. It was heaven!

Seeing my dear cousin made this week all good.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

韭菜盒子 (Chive Pockets)

Be Brave. Be Very Brave. I saw a Chinese cooking show on making 韭菜盒子 and it inspired me to give it a try. Of course cooking shows always made cooking look easy and led me to believe that I can cook anything. So I did this morning. Mom and Dad were my food critics. I think they rated me 7 out of 10.

Practice makes perfect. This is what I've learned...

#1. When making dough, need to remember it's STICKY. Make sure to dust flour on hands and the counter first. You don't want to know what happened to me.

#2. Don't chop the chives too finely. Need the texture. Need to be able to taste and smell it.

#3. The filling needs less ground pork and more chive. Oh, don't forget the cellophane noodles! The recipe also called for dried shrimps but I skipped it.

#4. Roll out the dough in a way so it's not too thick and not too thin. Also, should crimp the edge nicely. This is the hardest part for me.

#5. When cooking, the easiest way is to cook them like pot stickers so the outside doesn't dry out. Some oil and water will semi-fry and steam at the same time. Clever!

#6. Voila, my finished product. Looks pretty good huh? Still plenty of room for improvement but I'm happy with my first try.

Note to Self: If fail miserably, there are pre-made ones in the store. Never fear!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Think Kermit is in My Pond

What Is This? RK called and said he saw a monster in our lilly pond (ok - a 100 gallon plastic tub). It's a 3" something with a tail and 2 legs. It's big and it's ugly!

RK sent over a picture of this monster. He couldn't believe it's a tadpole. It's too big and where did it come from?

I think it's a chubby tadpole becoming a frog. But RK is right, where did it come from? Our tub is tucked away at a corner against the fence. There is not even a tree around. Yes, the swimming pool is near by but it won't bring on frogs let along tadpoles. A tree frog? A toad?? A monster??? By the way, why only one? Aren't tadpoles groupies?

In Our Lilly Pond: We have 20+ some odd happy goldfish, and 4 -6 crawfish that escaped from becoming food (I hope they're still there), but that's about it. Hmmm... just don't eat my fish, ok?

Can someone explain how it might have ended up here?

... and can I kiss the frog?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hold That Coffee!

THE BEST SMELLING STATION! The smell of freshly brewed coffee permeated the terminal as I ascended from the BART platform. What a wonderful smell especially so early in the morning. The riders are greeted by the great coffee aroma and eyes just open(well, mine anyway). Wow! I thank whoever came up with the idea and I thank whoever approved the idea. This is the best thing that happens to the transit system.

SIP NOT SPILLS. Of course the biggest worry is coffee spills in the trains. Do not fear. A non-spill cap is provided with each cup of coffee according to BART. I am curious to see how it differs from the regular cap. I'll post a picture when I get a chance to buy from the underground Peet's.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Howling at the Pump

Filling up the gas tank is a painful thing to endure nowadays. I bet people howl, cry and curse - like me - while watching the price gauge spins more than 4 times faster than the gas. The thick click that finally stops the fueling brings on a stomach turning sensation... Unfortunately, this nausea will get worse if the gas price keeps going up.

I filled up RK's Landrover this morning and it cost $90.90 for 19 stinky gallons. $90.90!!! That's almost $25 for each quarter tank of gas. Aughhh! It hurts!! I can think of other ways to spend the $90.90 than on gas. But, do we have a choice?

Yes, it would be nice to start walking, taking bus or biking instead but easier said than done.

Will howling become a ritual at the pump?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mid Point Check In

So we're half way through 2008. Aughhh! Didn't I just blog about the new year? It seemed not that long ago but here we are, 183 days passed. Oh can't forget the extra leap day, so 184.

So what has happened the first 6 months? There were happy and sad events but I'm not going to talk about the sad. You can read that on papers. Let's talk about the good - the happy stuff.

Better and Better. Mom is gaining strength and she is improving noticeably almost on a daily basis. Her determination and hard work are paying off. Her right arm is still weak but she will regain the use of her right arm and hand eventually. Mom did not lose her positive attitude, and it's so nice to hear her laughs again now she has more energy.

Reach Out and Touch Someone. I ramped up my social and professional networks and reconnected with folks that I have not been in touch for a while. Modern technology allows people to stay in touch so easily nowadays so there is no reason not to do so. We all got to know each other for a reason. Our paths have crossed once, why couldn't they cross again?

Gourmet Wannabe. I'm going gourmet (or trying...) and I'm getting creative with whatever I find in the refrigerator. I thought only Mom can do that but I'm getting a hang of it. Nice to have a good cook for a Mom. She is itching to cook but couldn't so she directs me in the kitchen. I'm her cooking hands now and I'm picking up her techniques and recipes. Lucky me!

Self Improvement. For the second half of 2008, I'm going to focus on staying positive and channel good energy to myself and to everyone around me. Be kind to people. Give. Say hello to strangers. Make someone's day if I can't make mine.

Positive Thinking. A glass that's half full is always more satisfying than if half-empty.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fresh Food Feast

Another great party was had on Saturday, 6/21/08. Our party is known for great food and fun. Live crawfish and fresh oysters were on the menu along with crab cakes, ribs, tri-tips, steaks, salmon, clam linguini, garlic bread, cheese platter, chicken salad, fruit salad, freshly baked banana muffins, cookies, and two cakes...

The crawfish was a big hit again. Love how the kids react to seeing bunch of live crawfish from the sack. There were squeals, laughs and giggles. Some lucky fellows went home as pets. According to Sandy who kept one alive for 1 1/2 years, feeder fish was the secret to its long life.

See the plier on the photo? OK, it's not the official tool for opening oysters but I forgot my oyster knife and the plier was the next best thing that allowed me to open the oysters up as fast as I could. The trick was to pinch the thin side of the oyster shells so there was a little opening and then slide the knife in between the shells. The oyster will open beautifully. I know, I know -- the professional oyster shuckers would have laughed their heads off but the end result was the same. Yummy!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She&She. He&He.

THEY DO! Wedding bells are ringing everywhere for same-sex couples now that they can be legally married in California.

People have their own opinions about gay marriages. However, it’s important to note that LOVE and COMMITMENTS that couples have for each other have no correlations with being gay or straight.

Many of the gay couples featured in the SF Chronicles have been together for a long time. The average length of the relationship for 15 couples in today’s article is 14.4 years (yes, I did the math) - the longest being 40 years and the shortest 3.5. To me, that’s the most precious part. RK and I have been together for 23 years, and I can certainly relate to the inseparable bond and the deep feelings that couples have for each other. It has nothing to do with the gender.

The literal translation of the Taiwanese word “spouse” is “the one I hold hand with”. It’s the world’s greatest blessing when one is lucky enough to find another whom he or she can walk hand in hand with for the journey through life.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No Tomato for You!

Juicy, plump and nutritious - but you can't have it because of fear of Salmonella contamination. Hmmm... Does the newspaper have to make it sound like every single tomato is bad for you?

Yes, good to be cautious, but I think it goes with all food not just tomoates. Salmonella infection can happen any day with any food. Why just focusing on tomatoes only? Very misleading.

It's not the tomato's fault but like the poor spinach, tomato will get a bad rap for a while. At least can-tomato looks better than can-spinach.

Eat smart. Handle raw food with care. No need to panic. Tomatoes from your garden are fine.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's in Your Network?

WEB 2.0: To me, the biggest contribution Web 2.0 makes is the explosion of network structures. New technology makes sharing stories, photos, videos so effortlessly.

This Facebook place is pretty cool. I have a profile on it for a while but never really pay attention to it.- Hey, I don't even have time to keep up with blogging.- But, it seems more and more people I know are on it, and everyone is connecting - like mushrooms!

Show It! I must say though... once I start paying attention to my network, I can't stop maintaining and adding stuff to it. Check out this neat slideshow application. It's pretty cool and I can embed it here too(click the speaker to mute the music).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Paint the Town Red

Back to New York: This time I had company. Debbie, our Controller, sync-up her schedule with mine so we could do something together after work.

The Night Life: This is the first time that I really got to enjoy New York after work. We had good food, good wine, "Hairspray" and a comedy show. Weather was kind of unpredictable - rain, wind, sun all in a day -but that didn't stop us. We only had 3 nights to pack it all in.

We got 50% off show tickets at the TKTS Discount booth. It sells day-of performance tickets but no guarantee what you will get to see. We decided to just show up and see what was available on Tuesday night. So "Hairspray" it was. Great show!! Likewise with the comedy show at Dangerfield's Comedy Club on Thursday night. No idea who was performing but "buy one get one free" tickes from the web were great deals. Great entertainment at affordable prices. Life can't get better than that.

After I got to the hotel on Monday night, I did my little nightly walk. This time, I got to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral. The building is so beautiful inside and out. A mass was going on. I stayed for a while to take it all in - the prayers, the pipe organ music, the architecture, and peace.

My Sippy Cup: I had wine in a plastic sippy cup. Ugh! DON'T LAUGH! That was the only way we could bring wine into the theater to see "Hairspray." Of course, it was a ploy to sell souvenirs but we gladly played suckers.

Girls just wanna have fun.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Secret to Shiny Pans

Treasure Hunt: On separate occasions, I found two nice stainless steel pans at the Goodwill stores. One was All-Clad and the other Emeril, also made by All-Clad. The All-Clad pan was almost brand new. Looked like someone used it once to make eggs, then decided that cleaning was too much work, so the pan was donated as is -- with a big old grease in the shape of a fried egg. Well, my gain. A new All-Clad 8 inch pan would have cost $85 and I got it for $4.99. After giving it a good scrubbing, it was as good as new.

On the other hand, the Emeril pan was in sad shape. Hardly used but someone really really burned it. It was discolored, black burnt marks and baked-on grease all over. It looked pretty pathetic. But for $2.99, I thought it was worth a try to give it its shine back and make Emeril proud.

Easier said than done. I scrubbed and scrubbed but the stubborn grease and marks wouldn't come out. I scrubbed it five days in a row with all sorts of ways but none seemed to work.

Let me count the ways:
  1. Gentle scrubbing with detergent and warm water as recommended - nope!

  2. Boiling water in the pan to dissolve the grease - nope!

  3. Scrubbing with CLR Metal Clean - some progress but the burnt marks and grease stayed.

  4. More scrubbing with baking soda - nope!

  5. Using crushed tomato to make the discoloration disappear - nope!

  6. Dare I try oven cleaner?? - nope.

  7. Finally, I tried Bar Keepers Friend and OH-MY-GOD, it worked!!!
My New Best Friend: I am totally amazed. What is this thing? How did it do it when all failed??? People, if you ever need to clean your stainless steel pots and pans, this is it. Forget everything else.
Proof: See the "after" effects? I should have taken a "before" photo but who was thinking about taking pictures of dirty pans... Anyway, I'm very happy except for my arms and hands.
Extra Bonus: I also cleaned the burner covers with BKF. They are shiny again. Wow! I'm so excited that my pots and pans will be shiny from now on.

Little yet satisfying pleasures in life. Ahhh...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Beat It, JJ!


Mr. Jenkins (or Mr. JJ)turned 90 last Thursday (May 2nd) and he is just as perky as ever. He slowed down quite a bit after his hip surgery, but he still plays the violin with passion and vigor.

Mr. JJ was my music teacher back in junior high, then James’ and then Jason’s. We were all members of his orchestra in different school years. I played the piano, James violin and Jason cello. He got the Wu kids three years in a row, so he got to know the family very well. We stayed in touch after we graduated and went on to high school, college and to now.

His family and friends threw a birthday bash for him yesterday. Mr. JJ greeted his guests with his violin and did all the entertaining. To wish him a happy birthday, his old buddies (literally) got up one by one to sing and play for him. It was very touching! Of course, Mr. JJ had to chime along and even added few dance steps to the beat –just like how he did it when he was conducting the orchestra. He still has the moves! Not bad for a guy that is almost a century old.


Mr. JJ, best wishes and many more...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Self Help for the Earthlings!

Global warming dominates the news and it’s apocalyptic.

News today: glaciers high above the Indies are melting away at speedy rate and will be totally gone in 20-30 years. What happens when global warming reaches a critical level? Images from sci-fi movies come to mind. Droughts, floods, bare lands, dry plants, dying animals (yes, human included).

Why put ourselves in this self-destructing predicament?

Global warming is a man-made phenomenon that cannot be stopped but can be slow down. Too easy for us to dismiss what can one do about it. After all, we’re only one out of the 6.65 billion people on this Earth so what harm can one person do and what help can one person give? WRONG!

Think of it this way: is beach a beach without grains of sands? Is a forest a forest without the trees? Is a car a car without its parts? Is a choir a choir without the voices?

Bottom line: Each single one of us contributes to this mess and it will take all of us to fix it. Remember, until we can find another planet to live, we’re stuck here. It’s home. It’s the only home we have.


  • Save
  • Conserve (reuse and recycle)
  • Share
  • Think
  • Treasure

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring in the Air

After a wet rainy January and a cold wintry March, we finally see SPRING in April. Beautiful sunny sky, cozy warm air (depends where), light breeze not wild wind (except when the fog rolls in).... lucky to have this week off!

Woke up early and found the garden blooming. Dad's hard work on the garden really pays off.