Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Thankful!

THANKSGIVING 2008. The holiday came and gone. The turkey was cooked and eaten. But, thankfulness stays. I'm very thankful that it was another good year with no major hiccups. Life may not be perfect but I really can't complain.

I'm thankful that mom and dad are relatively healthy. Mom continues to improve. I'm thankful that Robert, James, Jason, Jennifer, Caitlin, Brandon and Carli are healthy and safe. Oh, I must add Karen to the list now. What a great girl to enter James' life!

I'm thankful that I have true friends and more friends reconnected via Web 2.0. Friendship is precious and I treasure every one of them. Thank you for being there for me!!

The world may not be perfect but it was a perfect evening for the family. Being together is the most important thing for me and I'm thankful that I have the opportunity.

And I'm very thankful that Jennifer was the one who tackled this 22-pound turkey.

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