Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mid Point Check In

So we're half way through 2008. Aughhh! Didn't I just blog about the new year? It seemed not that long ago but here we are, 183 days passed. Oh can't forget the extra leap day, so 184.

So what has happened the first 6 months? There were happy and sad events but I'm not going to talk about the sad. You can read that on papers. Let's talk about the good - the happy stuff.

Better and Better. Mom is gaining strength and she is improving noticeably almost on a daily basis. Her determination and hard work are paying off. Her right arm is still weak but she will regain the use of her right arm and hand eventually. Mom did not lose her positive attitude, and it's so nice to hear her laughs again now she has more energy.

Reach Out and Touch Someone. I ramped up my social and professional networks and reconnected with folks that I have not been in touch for a while. Modern technology allows people to stay in touch so easily nowadays so there is no reason not to do so. We all got to know each other for a reason. Our paths have crossed once, why couldn't they cross again?

Gourmet Wannabe. I'm going gourmet (or trying...) and I'm getting creative with whatever I find in the refrigerator. I thought only Mom can do that but I'm getting a hang of it. Nice to have a good cook for a Mom. She is itching to cook but couldn't so she directs me in the kitchen. I'm her cooking hands now and I'm picking up her techniques and recipes. Lucky me!

Self Improvement. For the second half of 2008, I'm going to focus on staying positive and channel good energy to myself and to everyone around me. Be kind to people. Give. Say hello to strangers. Make someone's day if I can't make mine.

Positive Thinking. A glass that's half full is always more satisfying than if half-empty.

1 comment:

Mocha said...

hi auntie sut-sen check out my other blog (and no i didnt spell 'chocolate' wrong thats how i like to spell it. thats one of the many things that make me unique)

hugs and kisses