Monday, August 18, 2008

Color Before Me

FINALLY! After all these years, RK decided to move into the master bedroom. It used to be his mom's room when she came staying with him, then it was always served as a guest bedroom. For the past year, it was more or less a storage room. What a waste!

RK decided that he wanted color for his new room. The room went from plain white to a warm shade of green with gold accent. Check out the "after" picture. Doesn't it look like a show room? Wow! It looked really nice with the brand new bed that he had for the longest time (but just recently assembled). Once RK cleared out all the stuff, I actually got to see the sliding door that opened to the pool side. The room even has a resort feel when the door is open, the sun shines in and a soft breeze brings in the outdoor scent. Nice!! -- Hey babe, you had a paradise in disguise!

What goes with warm light green and gold?
How about red? That's what RK did to the little master bathroom. The color was bold and loud but it contrasted nicely with the calmness of the bedroom.
So now the room is done but RK still has not moved in. It's too pretty he said. OK... then, I shall claim it mine. teehee!

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