Thursday, April 24, 2008

Self Help for the Earthlings!

Global warming dominates the news and it’s apocalyptic.

News today: glaciers high above the Indies are melting away at speedy rate and will be totally gone in 20-30 years. What happens when global warming reaches a critical level? Images from sci-fi movies come to mind. Droughts, floods, bare lands, dry plants, dying animals (yes, human included).

Why put ourselves in this self-destructing predicament?

Global warming is a man-made phenomenon that cannot be stopped but can be slow down. Too easy for us to dismiss what can one do about it. After all, we’re only one out of the 6.65 billion people on this Earth so what harm can one person do and what help can one person give? WRONG!

Think of it this way: is beach a beach without grains of sands? Is a forest a forest without the trees? Is a car a car without its parts? Is a choir a choir without the voices?

Bottom line: Each single one of us contributes to this mess and it will take all of us to fix it. Remember, until we can find another planet to live, we’re stuck here. It’s home. It’s the only home we have.


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