Friday, December 12, 2008

It's So Hard to Say Good Bye

Dudu Keng: 5/29/1996 - 12/12/2008

Robert and I had to say good-bye to Dudu today. His kidney failed and he was not responding to treatment. Dr. Kim said best to let him go because he was suffering. Robert and I knew it was the best for Dudu but does it hurt to make that decision.

The pain was just as bad as when we had to let Max go. It never gets easier. Knowing that no one will be waiting at the door is heartbreaking. No wagging, no running in circles, no demanding for hugs and treats... life is so different without Max then and Dudu now.

Dudu. His name meant round and chubby in Chinese. Yap, he was a chubby puppy running fast on 4 stubby legs. He grew to become quite a handsome boy. He had thought that he could be the alpha dog in the house but gave up after trying for a day. Max was Mr. Alpha. Dudu wasn't sour though. He was happy to be the little brother following Max around. they were inseparable.

Dudu became our only son when Max passed away. He filled the void left by Max and eased our pain of losing Max. He faithfully kept Robert company when he worked in the wee hours. He rather stayed with Robert and sleep on the floor than in his doggy bed in the bedroom.

It's so true that dogs are man's special friends. They never complain and never ask for anything in return. We are truly lucky to be selected as their best friends.

Rest in peace, Dudu. Thank you for all the love and joy. You were a wonderful doggy and it was a privilege to be your mommy and daddy.

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