Saturday, December 27, 2008

So Now What after X'Mas?

I dislike the day after Christmas. It feels like a deflated balloon. It takes weeks (or months this year) to inflate the holiday balloon. Then, as soon as Christmas is over, everything is all let out overnight. No more decorations, no more excitement, and no more Christmas music. Only emptiness is left behind and naked Christmas trees being left by the curb.

Ironically, those lovely wrapped presents, carefully placed under the tree, are being brought back to the stores for exchanges or refund. Admit it, some of you can't wait to return them. Ugh!

Somehow holiday season is turning into shopping season. Why do people have to shop especially during this time? So, gift giving is a reason but a lot of people buy for themselves. Holiday spirit should be about family, love, sharing, appreciating and treasuring the good things that one has in life. Why do people have to go running around, spending money and then getting all stressed out??

I spent a total of $75.00 on gift this year -- on the kids who innocently believe there is Santa Clause. No, Auntie is not going to tell them that there is no Santa Clause.

But I did get something. I got my family and I was able to cook and eat dinner with them on Christmas Eve. Can't ask for more.

Make everyday a holiday people. Celebrate that you have another safe and peaceful day and you get to say Good Night to your loved ones.

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