Friday, September 12, 2008

I'll Make My Own Good Luck

So, 've been thinking about my bad lucks and trying to put POSITIVE THINKING to work. I figured what happened happened. Getting all upset won't make it better. So, why don't I look at the whole thing this way...

#1 swollen cheek - it still hurts but I do have a nice discount for the dental work. I could have been paying more and still have the pain.

#2 allergic reaction - it went away as fast as it came. I didn't end up in the emergency after all.

#3 steaming car - luckily it happened after I parked. I was not stuck on the freeway. The tow truck came within 20 minutes and no hassle getting it towed to a repair shop with nice people.

#4 ouchy repair bill - well, I would have paid more if at the dealer shop.

So all in all, what happened happened, but it could have been worse but didn't. Ain't I lucky or not???
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