Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What’s That White Thing Doing on My Head?

Brushing my hair as usually and I spotted this short little stubby white thing standing tall on my head.

Ugh! Is it what I fear? Is it here now?
Yap. It’s a white hair all right. I thought it might have been a reflection from the light but nope, it’s white and silvery. I pulled it, examined it, confirmed it. I’m officially old age now! Ugh!

Devastating… never thought I would have white hair… never thought I would have to face this eventuality. One white hair, but you know there is more hidden.

Up to this point, I think I’m the only one among my buddies who still have not had any but no more... I'm joining the silvery crowd.

One white hair - so what you might say - may not be much but it’s a heavy blow to my sense of youthfulness. Of course I’m not young, but I can’t even pretend any more. Ugh!

I'm handling well though. Somehow this is not as depressing as when I found my one white eyelash couple of years ago. It was an early sign and I guessed I am prepared for it.

OK, white hair. Nice meeting you but you’ll have to go. Don't rush to come back or bring your friends with you – not all at once anyway.

Hello middle age, here I come!

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