Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is My Angel Down?

I wonder why bad luck seems to loom over me like a dark cloud. What did I do? Did I step on my guardian angel -- accidentally? Things just don't seem to go right. There' s hiccup at every turn. Some time I just have to laugh because it's kind of ridiculous. Besides, the alternative is to cry but that doesn't help.

Whatever can go wrong, it went wrong. I even know what wrong would follow. Sad, isn't it?

So what do I have to do to break up the bad luck spell? I don't think I've done anything bad or evil to anything or any one. Hey, I even do random kindness because it makes me feel good.

I'm not even asking for much - I just want to ride on a less bumpy road. I just want smooth sailing down my path. No breakdowns, no delays, no surprises. I can handle the rest.

Ugh! To think that next year, the Ox, will not be too kind to me. I hate to think what's in store... Will it be worse than now? In what ways? Am I paying forward now?

So my guardian angel, forgive me if I stepped on you when you fell. I wish you a speedy recovery so you can be back at my side soon.

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