Sunday, May 04, 2008

Beat It, JJ!


Mr. Jenkins (or Mr. JJ)turned 90 last Thursday (May 2nd) and he is just as perky as ever. He slowed down quite a bit after his hip surgery, but he still plays the violin with passion and vigor.

Mr. JJ was my music teacher back in junior high, then James’ and then Jason’s. We were all members of his orchestra in different school years. I played the piano, James violin and Jason cello. He got the Wu kids three years in a row, so he got to know the family very well. We stayed in touch after we graduated and went on to high school, college and to now.

His family and friends threw a birthday bash for him yesterday. Mr. JJ greeted his guests with his violin and did all the entertaining. To wish him a happy birthday, his old buddies (literally) got up one by one to sing and play for him. It was very touching! Of course, Mr. JJ had to chime along and even added few dance steps to the beat –just like how he did it when he was conducting the orchestra. He still has the moves! Not bad for a guy that is almost a century old.


Mr. JJ, best wishes and many more...

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