Monday, October 27, 2008

Clicking Right Along

My definition of good luck is when things click along. It could be as simple as: I get to BART, a nice parking spot is waiting for me. I get to the platform and the train pulls in right after me. I get a seat and there is no train delay. I go get a cup of coffee on my way to the office and there is no line.

Yes, good luck means things clicking along. It doesn't have to be wining the lotto (although that would be very nice) and it doesn't having to be finding money on the street. Just little things that make my day.

I had a clicking-right-along day last Friday. I took my car to Weatherford for an oil change. No traffic going over the bridge to Berkeley. No delay in catching a shuttle to BART then to work. In the afternoon, I caught a 5:06pm BART train to Berkeley. I called the dealer for a shuttle, and it came in 3 minutes. It was on its way to pick up someone else and I happened to get there at the right time. Or, it would have been at least a 20-minute wait. I picked up my car and had a smooth ride back home. No delay on the Bay Bridge going west bound on a Friday - now that's very lucky! Radio mentioned that there was a delay on BART because of police action at the Embarcadero Station. It was my station and it was after I boarded the 5:06pm train. I was lucky to miss the commotion. If I were to miss the 5:06pm train, then I would have missed the last shuttle (last run 5:30pm). And with my usual bad luck, by the time I get to the shop, it would have been closed! It didn't happen to me, HA!

I had a lucky day because things just clicked along. Now, may I ask that all my days be as lucky as this Friday? I don't ask much. Just want things to click right along.

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