Monday, September 22, 2008

The New CA Academay of Science

I got to visit the new California Academy of Science before the grand opening today. It has always been one of my favorite places in SF even though the old building was crowded, dim, dark, and desperately needed a make over. Well, after years of planning, it got more than a face-lift. The old museum was torn down and a brand new shiny building took its place. It's a FABU building!! Grand, spacious, and modern. Simple lines supported by classic columns. Natural light beams down from little round windows from the dome ceiling and fills the entire space softly -- just perfect for picture taking. You know there are millions of species of animals (including human) under the roof, but you don't feel the squeeze. There's plenty of room for everything and everyone.

The land animals are displayed on the ground floor; the marine life the level below - very appropriate. The glass wall, ceiling, floor at strategic places allow people to peer through giving the entire place a very 3-dimensional feel. A giant glass sphere in the center houses the rainforest. It was closed though on my visit.

After my visit, I walked away with great
appreciation for being able to share this planet with so many beautiful creatures. It's up to us humans to keep it up and to preserve for the future generations.

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