Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She&She. He&He.

THEY DO! Wedding bells are ringing everywhere for same-sex couples now that they can be legally married in California.

People have their own opinions about gay marriages. However, it’s important to note that LOVE and COMMITMENTS that couples have for each other have no correlations with being gay or straight.

Many of the gay couples featured in the SF Chronicles have been together for a long time. The average length of the relationship for 15 couples in today’s article is 14.4 years (yes, I did the math) - the longest being 40 years and the shortest 3.5. To me, that’s the most precious part. RK and I have been together for 23 years, and I can certainly relate to the inseparable bond and the deep feelings that couples have for each other. It has nothing to do with the gender.

The literal translation of the Taiwanese word “spouse” is “the one I hold hand with”. It’s the world’s greatest blessing when one is lucky enough to find another whom he or she can walk hand in hand with for the journey through life.


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