Thursday, March 17, 2011

We Are the World

This has been a heart wrenching week watching the events of the disaster in Japan. There is absolutely nothing we can ever plan and prepare for events like this.

When disasters happen, especially the natural ones, it reminds us that it’s not THEY who are suffering; it’s US – all living things on this planet – suffering from something that’s so non-preventable and non-stoppable.

People from around the world are helping out to the extent of their capability. Some donate money and goods; some donate time and expertise, and some put themselves in danger to save others.

The little dog that stood by his injured canine friend shows that all creatures have compassion, loyalty and love for each other. So, treasure our lives, treasure the friendships and treasure the time that we share with each other in this world.

Couple of Ways to Help:

To help humans:
To help animals:

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