Friday, March 04, 2011

The Freezer Food Combo

Frozen Chicken Breast + Frozen Vegetables + Frozen Pie Shell = Piping Hot Pot Pies. 
Chicken Pot Pies + Salad + Wonton Soup (yes, I found some wontons in the freezer too) = Tonight's Dinner.

Dad and Mom gave me the thumbs up.  Dad asked if I can make one with scallops and shrimps next time. OK, Dad.  I'll check if I have frozen mixed seafood in the freezer.

1 comment:

Jennifer Wu said...

Those Wu men, they always want to know if you can make it with some other ingredient. In the case of the Novato Wu man, even after you make it with that ingredient he wonders if you can make it with another ingredient. Congrats on the continued effort to live off of the freezer.