Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Rise, Cinnamon Rolls, Rise

My bread machine is happy. All this time (10+ years), it only has its basic bread function used. It has not had a chance to show off its other uses. Hey, I can do better than that, I'm sure it would protest if it could.

I used the dough function only couple of times. Who needs to make own dough when you have the Pillsbury Boy?

Few weeks ago, our Office Manager told me excitedly that she made cinnamon rolls from scratch and it came out great. She gave me the recipe and challenged me to try.

Ugh! What do you mean the dough takes 3 hours in the refrigerator to rise then more time in a warm place for it to rise the second time before baking??? Total time about 5-6 hours. HELLO! What's wrong with Pillsbury Boy Big Cinnamon Rolls? It takes just 20 minutes from start to finish. But, inquiring mind wants to know how to make cinnamon rolls. If Sherry can do it so can I. There must be a easier way though.

Thanks to Google search, I found a bread machine friendly recipe. Yap, my bread machine will make the dough and I'll make the rolls.

Here's the recipe: Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls

The hardest part turned out to be rolling out the dough to a rectangular shape. My first rolled out dough looked like a map of USA, but I got better the second time around. Yes, practice makes perfect.

So now my bread machine and I are pals. Together, not only we can make killer cinnamon rolls, we are thinking of trying out other yeast baked goods. How about butter croissants next??
Sent from my iPhone.

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