Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hoppidy Hop

Hurray! The Rabbit is Here! Today is the first day of the new year on the Chinese lunar calendar. Another new beginning. What will the rabbit bring?

Well, it seems that since I'm a rabbit, this is a 犯太歲 year for me. This means I actually need to be extra careful because it will be a rocky year for us rabbits. It has to do with how the stars are lined up and certain stars are in opposite position of me that will do me harm.

*Sigh*... but I guess I'm used to bad lucks already. Heck! See what I have been through, 犯太歲 or not. Bad lucks are no news to me. I'm just waiting for the right stars to be opposite of me or align with me. Come on, show me some good luck!

I do believe that I'm very blessed on my rocky road. It seems that I'm always able to figure out a way to deal with whatever thrown at me and I'm a stronger person because of it. Don't give up. Don't be discouraged. Look on the bright side because the other side is dark.

I welcome the Rabbit. It's only around once every 12 years. I should treasure its visit whatever it may bring. It's not a question of whether I can hop, but if I want to hop and how I hop.

So, everyone, say hello to the Bunny and I wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy Year 4709.

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