Friday, January 14, 2011

A Beginning or the End?

Somehow, my bad luck/hiccups are still following me. Things just keep happening. Come on! We're in the new year. Don't I get a break?

Nail in tires - twice in one month. There were two nails in one tire the second time and it required purchase of a brand new tire. So money went bye-bye.

Things are falling apart. One of the heating unit broke on the stove. $81. Garage door opener broke. $75. Of course, these all happened after I cancelled the home owner insurance. What's up with that?

Why me? I wonder how many bad things will happen to me in 2011? Or, I'm hoping that I'm exhausting the bads before the Chinese New Year. But wait, the RABBIT year is supposed to be a bad year for me too!

So, the bad luck continues to hang over my head. I think I should go to sleep now. Maybe it will just go away.

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