Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Bring It On, 2008!

Well, here's a big HELLO to the new year.

Woke up to a pretty blue sky. Sun was already out shining down on earth. Everything looked colorful and bright. 2008 arrived looking very pretty.

Made coffee. Popped Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in the oven. Soon, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet baked pastries filled the house. Ahhh... I'm burping happy bubbles!! I hope the rest of 2008 will be like this morning - comfy, relaxing, and pleasing.

Read Dear Abby on morning paper. Abby offered some advice on resolutions JUST FOR TODAY. This is my take away (for everyday):
  • Don't dwell on thoughts that depresses me.

  • Correct those things I can correct and accept those I can't.

  • Don't be a mental loafer.

  • Make a conscious effort to be agreeable.

  • Do something positive to stay healthy, and

  • Refrain from improving anybody but myself.

With that, I welcome you, 2008!

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