Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mini R&R

Fourth visit to New York in 12 months: Although I'm out here for business, I felt like I'm on vacation. I don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, helping mom, and, my goodness, I have time for TV!!! I actually got to watch the whole 2 hours of American Idol last night. Wow! Good life!

Cold but not frozen. I'm lucky that I have yet to experience the real New York winter. So I can still do my little nightly walk. I'm getting a hang of the streets around the Grand Central Station but spin me a few times and I still get my East and West all mixed up. I visited the grand New York City Public Library on 42nd Street/5th Ave. last night. What a majestic building! I wish I could spend more time there. I felt I gained more brain power just by walking through it.

"On the Road": The library exhibition is on Jack Kerouac's work. Pardon me for being shallow, but who was Jack Kerouac? Well, I learned about his writings, his philosophy, his life and his dreams after touring the exhibit. The Beat Generation. Heard about it but knew nothing about it until last night. Hit the road, Jack!

1 comment:

Alan N said...

Hey Suts...It was great seeing you tonight. It has sure been a long time.
Thanks for sharing your blog site with me. This is cool to see and read what you have been up to these past years.
I sure am glad that we can all get together like we did tonight and keep in touch. I will make sure to attend all of our reunions.
Take care and I will speak or write to you soon through your blog.