Friday, January 04, 2008

I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow you down

Big winter storms stacked up and poised to pound our area one after another. Weather forecasters have been busy screaming hazards and warning heavy water pouring down from the sky, but the one that hit yesterday was a wimp. I can sense a trace of disappointment among news broadcasts – no big weather news to report after all the build-ups. Oh well, back to the Iowa caucuses….

Sometime during the night, the second storm hit and it was a mighty one, I think. I slept through the great one. When I woke up, it was very dark inside and out. For few moments, I thought the night was awfully long (good for beauty sleep). But, augh! It was because no power!!! My alarm clock, luckily not AC-powered, said I’M LATE!

En route to work: gray sky, thick clouds, cold rain, fierce wind, down trees, nonworking traffic lights, wet smells, steamy windows, stop and go trains... hey, what happened to that sunny, bright, pleasant weather just three days ago?

But, good to have big storms now and then. We need to fill up the reservoirs and a good cleansing to start the new year. More importantly, the news people have something to talk about now.

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