Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Freezer Food Warm-Up

So my Eat Your Freezer Food game doesn't start until tomorrow. But since I had some time this morning, I figured that I'll give it some practice.

Let's see what I have: 1/2 bag of baby spinach, little bit of feta cheese and eggs. Hmmm... how about a Frittata?
I also found some frozen breakfast sausage patties and frozen green/red peppers in the freezer. Perfect!

1) Stir-fry the green/red peppers

2) Throw in slightly chopped sausage patties

3) Some chopped garlic. I found some in a jar in the refrigerator.

4) Stir in the baby spinach

5) Whip up 3 eggs. Add milk. Season with salt and pepper. Mix in feta cheese. Pour into the pan. Top with Parmesan cheese.

6) Pop it in the oven at 350. Baked about 45 minutes or so.

7) Voila! Eat.

Hey, it came out pretty yummy. :o)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Freezer Food Challenge

WHAT'S IN YOUR FREEZER? I was looking for some ingredients in the freezer the other day. I took all the stuff out and really dug. I couldn't find what I was looking for - I don't even remember what I was looking for now - but I have a little mountain of frozen food. Ugh! All these food, and none what I need! How that happened? What am I supposed to do with all these stuff?

GAME ON. So I declared to Mom and Dad that we will have a food challenge in March. Our challenge will be to consume what's in the freezer and to deplete what's in there before I start stock piling again. This means though, I'll be making food that may not always be Chinese. It may be American or Italian. Heck, I may end up making Japanese or French (ya, dream on). Mom and Dad were good sports. They said let's go for it. So, here we go, from this Sunday, 2/27/11 through 3/31/11,we will play the Eat Your Freezer Food game.

GAME RULES: I can only use what's in the freezer and in the pantry. No buying of new food except milk, eggs, bread/bagels, veggies and fruits. I will allow myself to buy onions, garlics, cilantro, green onions - you know, things that make food taste good. And, I have to have my beer and wine to go with whatever I'll be making. And, timeouts on Saturdays.

WATCH ME PLAY, PEEPS. This should be interesting. A good cook should be able to make dishes using what's at hand and make them tasty too. I'll chronicle my food challenge. We will see if I can really cook.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hoppidy Hop

Hurray! The Rabbit is Here! Today is the first day of the new year on the Chinese lunar calendar. Another new beginning. What will the rabbit bring?

Well, it seems that since I'm a rabbit, this is a 犯太歲 year for me. This means I actually need to be extra careful because it will be a rocky year for us rabbits. It has to do with how the stars are lined up and certain stars are in opposite position of me that will do me harm.

*Sigh*... but I guess I'm used to bad lucks already. Heck! See what I have been through, 犯太歲 or not. Bad lucks are no news to me. I'm just waiting for the right stars to be opposite of me or align with me. Come on, show me some good luck!

I do believe that I'm very blessed on my rocky road. It seems that I'm always able to figure out a way to deal with whatever thrown at me and I'm a stronger person because of it. Don't give up. Don't be discouraged. Look on the bright side because the other side is dark.

I welcome the Rabbit. It's only around once every 12 years. I should treasure its visit whatever it may bring. It's not a question of whether I can hop, but if I want to hop and how I hop.

So, everyone, say hello to the Bunny and I wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy Year 4709.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Rise, Cinnamon Rolls, Rise

My bread machine is happy. All this time (10+ years), it only has its basic bread function used. It has not had a chance to show off its other uses. Hey, I can do better than that, I'm sure it would protest if it could.

I used the dough function only couple of times. Who needs to make own dough when you have the Pillsbury Boy?

Few weeks ago, our Office Manager told me excitedly that she made cinnamon rolls from scratch and it came out great. She gave me the recipe and challenged me to try.

Ugh! What do you mean the dough takes 3 hours in the refrigerator to rise then more time in a warm place for it to rise the second time before baking??? Total time about 5-6 hours. HELLO! What's wrong with Pillsbury Boy Big Cinnamon Rolls? It takes just 20 minutes from start to finish. But, inquiring mind wants to know how to make cinnamon rolls. If Sherry can do it so can I. There must be a easier way though.

Thanks to Google search, I found a bread machine friendly recipe. Yap, my bread machine will make the dough and I'll make the rolls.

Here's the recipe: Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls

The hardest part turned out to be rolling out the dough to a rectangular shape. My first rolled out dough looked like a map of USA, but I got better the second time around. Yes, practice makes perfect.

So now my bread machine and I are pals. Together, not only we can make killer cinnamon rolls, we are thinking of trying out other yeast baked goods. How about butter croissants next??
Sent from my iPhone.