Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm Thankful!

Thanksgiving 2009. We gathered at Jason and Jennifer's house for our annual turkey dinner.

Another turbulent year for the world, fortunately, our family is going through it without major hiccups. Life is not always perfect, but we got more than some others: health, jobs, creature comforts and we have each other.

Over the years, I have learned to appreciate and enjoy what I already have in life and not what I want in life. HAVING is a good thing. WANTING will keep you itching for more. Wanting to win the lotto just can't beat having the opportunity to share the
Thanksgiving turkey (and all the trimmings) with the ones you love. That, is priceless!

Life is good all things considering. For that, I'm thankful!

p.s. Again, I'm thankful that Jennifer tackled the 25 pound turkey. Great job, sis!

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