Friday, November 06, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, here I am older and wiser at 46. Or, perhaps I should say the new 36 since 40 is the new 30.

I'm a birthday hog because I do not stop celebrating. Yes, so much to celebrate. I have good health, a good family and many good friends. My life is simple and uncomplicated and I have a job that feeds me and keeps me comfortable -- although I do have to pay the credit cards back. I'm very busy but I still have time to read, to eat, to drink, to think and to enjoy everything in life.

I go back to a warm sweet home every night and I have a honey who is always there for me. My friends love me and my dog adores me. What else more do I want in life?

Yes, there are bumps here and there but someone big up there watches over me. I am truly lucky and that's something to celebrate.

"I like life, life likes me. I like life and life likes me." Yes. Life can only get better from here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

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