Friday, July 03, 2009

Deja Vu

SOMA. My turf from 2000-2003. I Walked down from Market on 2nd Street to meet Mike at the 21st Amendment this afternoon. For a brief moment, it felt like I was still working in that area because everything is so familiar.

It has been more than 5 years since I walked on this street. Things did not change all that much. Starbucks still there; Subway, the credit union, Tempura House, the Irish pub, the camera shop, the copy place, Maya, the little coffee shop, the corner parking lot all still left standing... The 21st Amendment is still around serving its summer watermelon beer. Hey, we're in another economic downturn. Hmmm... did I have a Ground Hog's Day?

But, Nothing stands still. Wondering what happened to the folks who used to work with me. Are they better or worse off today?

How about myself? So much has changed in my life in the past 6 years. I visited my old turf two jobs later. Wow. Wondering where I will be or what I will be doing this time next year...
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