Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Joy Ride through City Streets

Happy Friday Folks. BART had a problem during the afternoon commute which stopped all the trains going south last Friday. Everyone all had to off board at the 24th Street station. BART did not mention where we could go from there. Just get out, good bye, good luck.

Poor commuters spilled out to the streets above the station and flooded the plaza. 24th and Mission. Where the heck is this place? We were like little lost ants trying to figure out our next move.

I figured that one of the buses will get me out of there. I caught a bus, 49 I think, hoping that it was going south since it said Alemany which I recognized. I asked this guy next to me if this bus would take me anywhere near Glenn Park, City College or Daly City. He told me that I should have caught 14 or 26. Oops, wrong bus. But what the heck, it was going south so I decided to ride for a while. After some stops, the nice guy told me that I really should be getting off. I wisely listened.

I waited for bus 14 or 26 next. 26 came but turned the corner before it stopped. I chased after it, got on and asked the driver the same question. Funny he didn't know but another nice passenger told me that the bus would take me to Balboa Park, and from there I could take 29 or 54 to go to the Daly City BART station.

At the Balboa Park station, I noticed more people were coming out of the station. BART still wasn't running. The sidewalk was crammed with people. The street was jammed with cars and packed buses. I squeezed on the 54 along with other poor souls who were trying to find the way home. It was a long way home.

But, I had an interesting ride through the streets of San Francisco. How often do I get to do that? I went through valleys and climbed the hills. I knew I was going the right way because I saw fog waiting at the horizon.

It took me almost 2 hours to get home on Friday. Can't complain though. I at least know that there is a way to and from work if BART does decide to go on strike.

So I think there is a message in this. I'm going to buy a lotto ticket and here are my numbers: 49, 14, 26, 29, 54 and the mega 4(for my 4 rides).

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