Monday, June 22, 2009

OK, Back to Work... Sigh!

A week of freedom from work. I still woke up at the same time but instead of rushing out the door, I got to enjoy coffee and newspaper leisurely. So nice not to think about work for a week. Priceless... Hmmm, come to think of it, I did have to pay for this freedom with my vacation time so not free.

Aside from doing all the things that I don't usually have the time for, I met up with old buddies, had good dinners and even a night out on Thursday (NightLife at the California Academy of Science). I actually got time to shred like crazy and iron 8 pairs of pants and 10 shirts. I cleared away my desk and cleaned the crystals on the chandeliers. It was nice to complete all these things that were on my checklist for the longest time. The feeling of accomplishment was actually more relaxing than going away on a real vacation. REALLY!!

I wish that I have kick back weeks like this every week. But, in my world, it would mean UNEMPLOYMENT unless I win the lotto.

Tomorrow is Monday and I go back to the daily rush. Life is not perfect but I'll have the next vacation to look forward to.

Happy Monday!

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