Monday, June 08, 2009

The Past Disappeared When You Don’t Backup

Yap, you guess it. I didn’t backup as often as I should have, and now part of my past that I relive through photos is gone forever.

I know I'm supposed to BACKUP. But, just one slip and I’m paying for being lazy. I should have backup more often but you may agree that it’s easier said than done. *sigh*

I still have my past before 2007 but I didn’t back up all 2007 through the present because I kept telling myself that I’ll get to it when I get a chance. Well, sometimes there is no luxury of waiting. Sometimes there is no second chance. So, just do it. Just do it when you think of it.

Lesson learned: DO NOT EVER trust any storage drives no matter how great they are. I got a brand new external drive to store my photos and it crashed after 2 months. My intent was to use it as the master storage unit for all my pictures and keep CD copies as backup. I wanted to centralize the picture filing for easy retrieval and I was paranoid that the PC/laptop drives were going to crash (how ironic). I moved everything into it -- a cool 500 GB space – but boldly erased the copies on my laptop, PC and cameras BEFORE I made duplicate sets. Augh! How foolish of me to think that was ok!! I can’t even blame my bad luck ducklings. The fault is all mine. :(

Luckily, I got some photos back via data recovery software and some of them are out there on websites, in emails and with others. I’m now in the process of rebuilding my past. I'll be able to recover some but a part of my past is gone without a trace. It's like it never existed.

BACKUP! BACKUP! and More BACKUP! People. You never want to be in my position. No money in the world can buy back time and memory. Capture them through pictures and videos and safeguard them for the future. They are priceless.

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