Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Little Something from the Past

Yahoo has been on the move to close down business units right and left. First it was Jumpcut and now Yahoo 360 Blog. I really don't use both services much but I do have both accounts -- just had to try them out - had to be with the time, you know. Very much like the dot-bomb days... Anyway, I had total of 2 blog entries on the Yahoo Blog and I had to archive them or they will be deleted forever. You know how sensitive I'm with lost memories. So, I want to capture them here.

AUTHOR: sutsen
TITLE: Entry for May 25, 2006 - Graduation Tomorrow
DATE: 05/25/2006 23:35:55
STATUS: publish

So, I'm finally graduating. I'll be in the hooding ceremony tomorrow. I have never imaged that I would be part of another graduation ceremony. When I attended my undergraduate ceremony 19 years ago, I thought that was it...

Not too sure how I feel about all of this. I went back to school because I wanted to challenge myself. So, now I did it. What did I prove? What's next? There is still so much to learn in the world. Law school? Medical school? I'll be the world's oldest intern!!!

A bartender license looks reachable. It may be fun too... I bet I'll be able to make some serious tips giving business advice while bartending. Image


AUTHOR: sutsen
TITLE: Entry for May 18, 2006 -My First Blog
DATE: 05/18/2006 01:43:01
STATUS: publish

I turned in my research paper yesterday. What a relief!! I can't believe it's done. I'm actually that close to the end of the tunnel!

I have carried the paper with me in my backpack and in my brain for the past 4 months. I thought it was going to be about 35 pages long. With every edit, the number of pages kept going up... it went up to 39 then 42... much longer than expected. I guessed I really got something to say.

I turned in my paper to Dr. Meeks two weeks ago. He suggested some changes and happily signed it off on 5/10. I took it to Dr. Castaldi on 5/12 hoping that he would just signed it - with eyes closed - please, please, please.

Of course, things never go the way I want it to go. Against all convention that 2nd reader really doesn't care about what you write, Dr. Castaldi wanted to read my paper first before he signs off. Urrrr... I almost threw up! What's up with that? What if he doesn't like my paper? What if he refuses to sign?

Dr. Castaldi emailed me Thursday night, "you left your sunglasses in my office." Gee... I guessed I saw darkness before me and I didn't need no stinky sunglasses as I walked away from his office....

My tummy didn't feel good for the next few days not knowing the fate of my paper... but I still had to work on the consumer behavior presentation and paper. I kept telling myself: need to concentrate on what is on hand... no time to worry about the unknown... do what needs to be done and worry later...

Good news came Sunday morning. Dr. Castaldi emailed, "it looks very good..." He wanted me to edit the conclusion a bit. Other than that, he was ready to sign off. I was so happy that my minor edit turned into a 5-hour writing session. It was done and, I was so done, yesterday at 5:15am!!!

As I took the signed research paper to the Business College, I felt a tremendous weight lifted. I haven't felt that way in a long time! This is almost it!!! Now, I just have to finish up the paper and prepare for the 10 chapter final for Consumer Behavior, go to graduation on 5/26 and my school life will be completely over. Wow!

As I left to go back to work yesterday, I called Mommy, Daddy and RK - I'm ready to celebrate! We met at Palomino for a pre-final-pre-graduation celebration!

Life is good Image

Can't believe that I'm out of school for that long.... time flies whether you're having fun or not.

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