Friday, April 04, 2008

I Cut the Cord

I FINALLY DID IT! I disconnected my land line phone service today (yesterday; past midnight). It's kind of hard. It's like throwing away my security blanket or losing the anchor to the boat. For many years, I had a "base" where people can find me. I gave up my "home base" today.

HAVING OWN PHONE NUMBER WAS A COOL THING in my younger years. Not every kid got to have a personal phone let alone one in the bedroom back then. Only parents could have a phone in their room. I got to chat, talk and giggle forever with the girls and not having my brothers yelling for me to hang up because they needed to use it too. Then as I got older, it was the boys calling. Then I met Robert, it was him calling...

The separation anxiety I'm experiencing is more of a sentimental thing. Phone used to be a "permanent" thing - and I don't mean the phone cord. It meant a home; it meant stability. You were not considered settled down until you got phone service established at your place. Heck, people even used the same old phone and kept the same old phone number for years.

Unlike yesteryears, cell phones of today are meant to be replaced every 2 years, and people can choose new phone numbers when they switch services. Phones and phone numbers, like many things, are disaposable nowadays. No attachement.

Of course we can now port over phone numbers but it's just not the same... *** Sigh*** I don't know... It's a very weird feeling that I'll just have to get over.

Oh well. I wish that number porting was available when I had to give up my first phone number (phone numbers couldn't cross city line back then). It was a cool number: 33-44-55-1. I would have loved to keep it.

FOR EMERGENCY PREPARENESS: If possible, maintain a land line and keep a good old phone set that's connected directly to the wall jack. In an event of power outage or wireless grid failure, you will still be able to use the phone. Yes, I still have one land line alive.

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