Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mini R&R

Fourth visit to New York in 12 months: Although I'm out here for business, I felt like I'm on vacation. I don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, helping mom, and, my goodness, I have time for TV!!! I actually got to watch the whole 2 hours of American Idol last night. Wow! Good life!

Cold but not frozen. I'm lucky that I have yet to experience the real New York winter. So I can still do my little nightly walk. I'm getting a hang of the streets around the Grand Central Station but spin me a few times and I still get my East and West all mixed up. I visited the grand New York City Public Library on 42nd Street/5th Ave. last night. What a majestic building! I wish I could spend more time there. I felt I gained more brain power just by walking through it.

"On the Road": The library exhibition is on Jack Kerouac's work. Pardon me for being shallow, but who was Jack Kerouac? Well, I learned about his writings, his philosophy, his life and his dreams after touring the exhibit. The Beat Generation. Heard about it but knew nothing about it until last night. Hit the road, Jack!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Want Happy

Can happiness be bought? One study says yes and I agree. Yes, money buys some kind of happiness. Just look at all those lotto winners – everyone has a big smile - no sad winners. Heck, I’ll be very happy too if I win the lotto and I can count all kinds of happiness that I can buy. But, the happy that I really want don't require purchase.

My Happy: mom continues to improve; dad and the rest of the family stay healthy; everyday goes by uneventfully; everyone I know is safe and well, and I get to be carefree.

Simple. Priceless.

Friday, January 04, 2008

I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow you down

Big winter storms stacked up and poised to pound our area one after another. Weather forecasters have been busy screaming hazards and warning heavy water pouring down from the sky, but the one that hit yesterday was a wimp. I can sense a trace of disappointment among news broadcasts – no big weather news to report after all the build-ups. Oh well, back to the Iowa caucuses….

Sometime during the night, the second storm hit and it was a mighty one, I think. I slept through the great one. When I woke up, it was very dark inside and out. For few moments, I thought the night was awfully long (good for beauty sleep). But, augh! It was because no power!!! My alarm clock, luckily not AC-powered, said I’M LATE!

En route to work: gray sky, thick clouds, cold rain, fierce wind, down trees, nonworking traffic lights, wet smells, steamy windows, stop and go trains... hey, what happened to that sunny, bright, pleasant weather just three days ago?

But, good to have big storms now and then. We need to fill up the reservoirs and a good cleansing to start the new year. More importantly, the news people have something to talk about now.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Bring It On, 2008!

Well, here's a big HELLO to the new year.

Woke up to a pretty blue sky. Sun was already out shining down on earth. Everything looked colorful and bright. 2008 arrived looking very pretty.

Made coffee. Popped Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in the oven. Soon, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet baked pastries filled the house. Ahhh... I'm burping happy bubbles!! I hope the rest of 2008 will be like this morning - comfy, relaxing, and pleasing.

Read Dear Abby on morning paper. Abby offered some advice on resolutions JUST FOR TODAY. This is my take away (for everyday):
  • Don't dwell on thoughts that depresses me.

  • Correct those things I can correct and accept those I can't.

  • Don't be a mental loafer.

  • Make a conscious effort to be agreeable.

  • Do something positive to stay healthy, and

  • Refrain from improving anybody but myself.

With that, I welcome you, 2008!