Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Freezer Food Challenge is Still On

Yes, I'm still in this challenge.  I'm still making food from the freezer.  I just didn't have time to blog about it.  I can't believe we are already in the final stretch of March!

I've been eating things from the freezer and I haven't bought any meat thus far.  I saved some money and my frozen stash is diminishing.  I'm having fun but I have not made anything spectacular that I can blog about.

OK, maybe there are two dishes that are fun to make and look great on photos:

Anything Paella.  Made with things found in the freezer/fridge: pretty color bell peppers, 1/2 onion, 1 tomato, baby octopus, Chinese smoked chicken (I shredded it), leftover crab meat and yes, 2 hot dogs.

Everything Ravioli.  Dinner brought to you by leftover cilantro and basil (even the lemon wedge) from Pho the night before, mushrooms from the bottom shelf of the fridge, collard greens in the bag, frozen peas and days old caviar.

What do you think?  I love this game!  It's a good challenge to turn bunch of anything into something everyday.  It's not easy as I think though.  I have to scan through the freezer the night before and figure out what's there and what I can with it.  It's like doing homework!

What I've Learned.  I learn not to over purchase.  Having space in the freezer doesn't mean I have to fill it up.  Yes, it's hard but it's something that I should restrain from doing.  One exception would be if there is a great sale.  How can you resist BOGO??

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