Friday, August 26, 2011

Double Dane!

THINGS HAPPEN AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME SOMETIMES.  I was browsing through the pet forum on Craigslist yesterday and I came across a posting that asked if someone can temporarily take in a Great Dane because the owner is in the process of moving, starting a new job and looking for a pet-friendly place to rent.

The owner could not bear to give up the dog and was hoping that someone could just keep him for a while.  I thought how heartbroken I would be if I have to give up my Dexter (or my other dogs in the past) so I forwarded the posting to Robert to see if he was interested.

Robert, of course, all excited, wanted to host Victor - that's the dog's name.  He has been wanting to get another Dane to keep Dexter company.  Realistically, I don't think having a second Dane is a good idea.  However, how would I know?  He is the one who would take care of the dogs.  So, this is actually a pretty good arrangement.  We get to check out the idea in real life and we would be helping out another dog parent.

So, I emailed the owner.  It turned out to be a nice girl in Sacramento.  She was thrilled!  She brought Victor over this morning for the two Dane boys to meet.  Robert met them at the doggy park.  The boys like each other.  So, Victor is home now and we are now a two-Dane family, on a temporary basis.

From reading the posting to having Victor staying, it took less than 24 hours.  It was not on the agenda before yesterday but, heck, things happen and we just add a new chapter to our lives.  And, I hope we preserve a chapter for Alica and Victor as well.

Alica is moving from Scramento to SF today and starting her new job next Monday.  Victor, a beautiful blue Great Dane puppy, will call Club JoLin home and Dexter his big brother for the next couple of months.

Something is just meant to be - such as this turn of event - so, just join us for the ride!

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