Thursday, September 15, 2011

Me and My Buds

Old Friends are special.  They are the ones who grow up with you and who are there in every stage of your life.  They laugh and cry with you; they share your happiness and sadness; they help celebrate your life milestones.  When you are lucky to have Old Friends.  Hold them tight.  They are precious.

My old buds are from my childhood.  We all went to the same high school.  Some of us went to the same elementary and junior high.  We hung out as little girls, and we still hang out as adult women.  Our conversation topics evolved from homework, exams, puppy love, going out, boyfriends, family/parents, college, work, marriage, children/husband (for me, boyfriend still) to the latest: middle age, wrinkles and the unthinkable: menopause!!  Ugh!!

We joked that we will be talking about Social Security, Medicare, high blood pressure medicine and grandchildren soon. I can't imagine us talking about the senior stuff (not just yet).  But, I know that day will come eventually, and I'm glad that I'll have my old buds to share my sunset years with me then.

XXOO to my Old Buds! (I'll add pictures as I find them).


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