Monday, June 20, 2011

Dexter: Guardian of Little Goldfish

Ever since our lily pond was destroyed by "something" and most of the goldfish got eaten, Dexter has become concerned of the fish.  Every time he gets outside, he goes check on the fish - by the way, we put 20 new fish in last week - I wonder if he counts them too??? 

Great Danes are not known to be guard dogs.  Heck, Dexter, true to his breed, is afraid of his own shadow sometimes.  He hates being chased by his leash.  Ever seen a big dog trying to run away from his leash that's dragging behind him?  He can't understand why he can't outrun it.  The faster he runs, the faster and the louder the leash goes.  The look on his face is pretty hilarious.  If you ever see a mantel Great Dane being chased by a red leash, that's Dexter.

Sorry, I digress. .. so Robert told me that he found out who the fish killer was.  Dexter started barking at 2am this morning.  That's unusual because he is usually soundly asleep (and snores too).  Robert looked out - he thought the burglars were back - and he saw not one but TWO raccoons by the pond checking out the fish.  HA!!  I told you it must have been raccoons!!  He said they were fat and had big black eyes like bandits.  So he ran to open the door and Dexter took off after the raccoons.  Robert said Dexter chased them across the yard and made them climb the fence to escape.  Wow... my fearless dog!! 

We are so proud of him!!   I guess we wouldn't have been surprised if Dexter went hiding but he didn't.  Like a responsible guardian that he appointed himself to be, he defended his little friends.  What a trooper!  What a raccoon chaser!  What a fish protector!  What a dog!

Remember, Great Danes were bred to hunt wild boars in ancient times.  I guess Dexter still has that DNA in him.  Just don't drag a raccoon back.  I don't want it.  Fish Killer.

Good Boy, Dexter!

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