Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Vacation: Luxury in Your Hand

Everyone looks forward to taking a vacation.  Some hide at a land/beach far away, some visit families and friends, some go do the outdoor stuff, some play tourists, etc... Heck, whatever suits your fancy.

People get excited about vacations because it means you can do whatever you want with the time at hand.  You can sleep late, pretend you don't have to work for a living, eat, play, be a couch potato... it's so nice that you can dictate how you want to spend your days.  Time is at your disposal.  You can even waste it away (ouch though).

My vacations used to be trips here and there taking my parents to places big and small.  Unfortunately, not anymore after mom's stroke.  Nowadays, vacation means I have more time to catch up on things that I don't usually have time to do.  Little things such as doing recycling, ironing, washing windows.. Oh yeah, talk about those windows.... I washed them this past Sunday and all the neighbors went woo-and-ahh. They said they didn't have time to do windows.  Yes, you need time to do them. It was very time consuming especially when my windows were double layers- not just double panel - that meant double cleaning!!  But what a great feeling when you see your windows so shiny and spotless.  Time well spent!!

Vacation means I can sleep as late as I want and wake up as late as I want (how about waking up at 8am instead of 6am?)   It's so wonderful when you don't have to be on guard with the alarm clock.

Vacation also means catching up with friends.  Catching up over a meal is one of the best use of time.  Quality time with buddies is not something that we always have time to do.  You just have to make it happen.

I would love to take my parents to far away places again.  Although mom can't travel long distance anymore, she is able to take longer (and longer) short trips now.  We went to Monterey last year.  We were not able to schedule another short excursion this year, but the family did spend a day in Calistoga.  Short but sweet and a memory for us to keep.

How you use your vacation time is the beauty of being off from work.  It doesn't matter whether you're away or home.  Having that free time on your hand is a luxury in itself.  So, make it count.

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