Sunday, June 05, 2011

A Chain of Events

So, Robert told me that something got to the water lilies in our little pond (OK, a 100-gallon tub) and the goldfish.  He told me to brace myself when I go over because it looked pretty bad.

Ugh!  Who?  What?  This has never happened before since we adopted the water lilies from cousin Su-Ming four years ago.  The 20 some odd goldfish has lived there since the first week. They thrive in the pond and always come up to the surface for food and play.  I never thought they would be in danger.

The Crime Scene: Yap, the water lilies looked pretty bad.  Bent, broken, shredded... some of them were blooming too.  The water was still and quiet.  No sign of any goldfish... Wait, I saw two, but they were too scared to come up.  They tried to hide beneath the torn lilies.  I think they are the only two survivors...  My poor fish!!

Robert and I think a raccoon might have done it. Haven't seen one around but what else? Cat?  Hawk?  Couldn't be a possum (although I do see them)... but why now?

Here's what I think: A raccoon wandered in because there was no threat of being discovered.  Normally Dexter would be sunbathing outside or playing in the yard but he has been locked inside the house lately.

Why? Well, Robert's house was burglarized two weeks go.  The burglars came through the open sliding door and took three of his guitars and a amplifier.

Where was Dexter then?  Well, he was taking a nap in the bedroom with Robert.  The door was closed.  So the burglars got away.

But fortunately, Robert and Dexter were OK and there was no damage to the house.

But unfortunately, the goldfish paid the price.  This chain of events led to their demise.  It's so unfair!!

What to do?  Robert and I got some chicken wire to make a protective netting for the pond.  We also installed security lights to deter future burglars and the raccoon (sorry, we really think it's you).

I hope the two goldfish will feel better about coming up again.  It must have been a traumatic event having your little world disturbed.  Very much like how the burglars invaded Robert's house and violated his space.

Can't bring back the poor fish just like Robert will most likely not be able to recover his guitars.  The only thing that we can do is to secure the place to minimize risks.

Scary how one thing leads to another.  We will never know how people's action will impact the next event which will in turn impacts some other people's (or animals) lives.  Some may turn out good, some bad.  This time: bad. 

RIP, little goldfish...

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