Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Viva Chile!

Wow! Just can't peel myself away from watching the rescue effort that's currently underway to bring all 33 miners up from 2,300 ft below. I'm totally fascinated by the ingenious engineering and the incredible human will power to stay alive and to remain undeterred.

I wonder what was going through each miner's mind in those lonely 15 minutes traveling through rocks in the dark. Night and day, life and death. It's all so close...

What is equally incredible is the bravery of the two rescuers who descended to the cave in that tiny capsule. Just watching the capsule being lowered through that tiny hole into the darkness gave me a sense of claustrophobia. Wow! Hats off to you, rescuers!!

69 days. These 33 miners are the lucky ones. They were located; they got light, food, medicine, beer, computers and their country was determined to get them out. Not every miner in mine accidents were so fortunate.

Soon, this will be a very famous history of how human perseverance and modern technology saved 33 men from a impossible situation. It's almost like the rescue mission of Apollo 13. If there's a will, then there is a way.

Life is precious and that's why people work tirelessly to bring these miners home. We all should count our blessings.

Updated: I recommend the book 33 Men by Jonathan Franklin.

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