Thursday, October 14, 2010

Canvas in the Sky

There were lots of clouds but it wasn't a cloudy day. I walked out of the door this morning and was greeted by this beautiful scene right before my eyes. I was mesmerized.

These were not the usual thick clouds that covered the entire sky and they weren't those puffy cotton candy clouds either. Each one seemed to glow and trimmed with gold. The entire sky - as far as I could see - was decorated by these glowing clouds. It was such a rare sight.

What kind of cloud formation is this? After googling, I want to say this is the "Alto cumulus" cloud formation. Correct me if I am wrong please. Inquiring mind wants to know!!!

I learned that different cloud formation forms under different weather conditions. "alto" clouds are mid level clouds that may bring some precipitation but they are not rain clouds. Hmmm, maybe that was why it was kind of humid today.

The clouds spread out for everyone to see. A magnificent display only Nature knew how to do. Lucky people like those of us who left the house early got a very special treat.

Of course all things come to an end. These altos were gone by midday. We were back to the plain old blue sky.

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