Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Knights in Shiny Armour

WHO ARE THEM? My cars of course. They were the ones who took me everywhere and protected me from the rough conditions outside. They took me to work everyday and patiently waited for me to get back to them.

Coming of Driving Age. Got my license at 16 and hogged Dad's brand new Plymouth station wagon like it was mine. I wrecked it of course like most young new drivers. Dad was a good sport. He didn't scream when he saw his smashed car. He just calmly told me that "It's too late when you say OOPS." You know, it really hit home and I still remember his words.

My First Knight: a white 1984 Mercury Lynx. I got it all by myself. A basic entry-level car that had manual window cranks, no AC and no clock. In our earlier years, RK and I didn't get to see each other much, but he would loop by to where I parked when he had a chance to leave a love note on my windshield. I still have the notes.

My Second Knight: a black 1987 Merkur XR4Ti. A what? Yap, not a lot of people knew about it. It was a Ford car that was made in Germany. It was a nice turbo charged car that could really run. It was love at first sight. I took the Lynx to the dealer for service and I ended up trading it for the Merkur the same day. Dad and Mom couldn't believe it. Out the door with a white car and back with a black one. I had the Merkur for a good 10 years. It was good to me. I was very happy that I sold it to a person who was specifically looking for a Merkur XR4Ti believe it or not. The guy was from Germany and he had owned couple of this car in different colors. He said he had been looking for a black XR4Ti in the U.S. but had a hard time finding one. Fate would have it that he found mine by searching "black Merkur XR4Ti" on Yahoo (this was back when Yahoo had a free posting space like craigslist) on the first day of the post. He bought the car the same day. Wow!

My Third Knight: a black1996 BMW 318IS. When I finally decided to get another car, RK and I had discussed whether I should get a cheaper new car or a better used car for the same price. I got my little beemer in 1998. So it was used, but you couldn't tell. It only had 10,000 miles and it was in storage for 12 out of the first 24 months so it was in mint condition. I knew it was mine because its license plate number was 3STW361. See my initials??? Wasn't that cool? The beemer was with me for another 10 years and it never disappointed me.

My Current Knight: a black 2007 Jeep Wrangler. I already told the story of my childhood dream of driving a Jeep so I won't repeat. Check out my blog post from April 2009 for this little guy's story. So far, I'm loving it. The Merkur had power-everything, a clock but no cup holders. The beemer had power-everything, a cup holder but no CD player. The Jeep has everything and it will be with me for another 10 years.

So, here you have it, story of my knights. You like it? Notice that all but my first car was black? It's a pain washing car though because I can't get it to look shiny black. But, no fears, RK is a good car washer. I'm a lucky girl!

I'm glad that I took the time to write about my cars because they are part of my life. Couldn't image life without them. THANK YOU, MY KNIGHTS!!

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