Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Got Sushi

Chef in the House. Robert, Brian and I put a sushi party together last Saturday, 2/6/10, at my house. It was quite entertaining. Not only we had a real sushi chef (Brian), we even had all the right stuff from plates, bowls, condiments, torch to a sushi bar. Yes, Robert and Brian set up a console table with a granite top that was just right for making sushi.

Dad's friends happened to be visiting and they were invited to stay for dinner. They were pretty impressed with how efficient we were in setting up the kitchen and putting the mini sushi bar together. They realized we really meant business when Brian put on his black head chef jacket and James and I in white. Yes, we were Brian's sous chefs for the night.

Everyone knew how to execute; even Carli played a darn good baby waitress. Mom, Dad and their friends had a great time. Brian was happy that his sushi was greatly appreciated. Everyone else all got to eat and play. The real restaurant part was when a tip jar was passed around.

Over 200 pictures were taken. I trimmed down to 85 and made a photo essay of our evening. Here goes. View full screen at 720p for HD. Thanks a million, Brian!

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