Thursday, October 08, 2009

Instant Starbucks

So it's like not enough to have Starbucks at every street corner, the company now wants you to carry its coffee with you so you can enjoy it where there is a cup and hot water.

Introducing... the Starbucks Instant Coffee. Ugh!

Today, the Barista tried to sell me a pack of Starbucks instant coffee for $1.95 and I get a free cup of coffee. Sounds like a deal so I went for it.

Hmmm... it even has an interesting description: it's microground coffee. So I guess we should feel good that it's still grounded coffee beans- definitely not Folger's. Good work Starbucks CMO!

So why am I doing in Starbucks when I'm a Peet's fan? Well, Starbucks does have more comfortable seating area than Peet's. I usually buy a cup of Starbucks coffee during lunch so I don't feel too guilty hogging a table and two chairs at lunch time. It's my way of "renting" a space for a break.

I still love you, Peet's, but don't go instant on me now.

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