Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Ducky Sunday

I've been wanting to try this "Seared Duck Breast with Cherries and Port Sauce" recipe, but where do you find duck breasts around here? I've seen frozen whole ducks and duck legs but duck breasts are hard to come by even the smoked ones, So, this recipe has been in my "someday-to-do" file.

Luck would have it that while checking out the meat market at the Ferry Building last Friday, I saw fresh duck breasts! Wow! Of course I got to get some, but heck, why are duck breasts so expensive? I got two for $16. Ugh! Are they less ducks than chickens? Don't know... I never paid attention to ducks before.

Side note: I like how the meat company packed the meat. They weighed first then vacuum-sealed the meat. I wish they can do that at the Chinese meat markets.

I happened to have cherries, albeit the sun-dried kind, and port at home so can't even NOT try. This was an expensive experiment though. Like I said on my Facebook page, there was no room for errors. I was hoping that it didn't come out tasting like Chinese roast duck. That would have been a major disappointment.

The recipe was pretty simple. The ducks breasts were easy to cook. Pound, score, sear, and cook the duck breasts until done. Let them rest. Meanwhile, add shallots, cherries, port and honey, to the pan to make sauce. Voila! It was pretty darn good but I have work harder on the presentation next time. :)

So here are some pictures to share. I say if you can find duck breasts, give the recipe a try. Enjoy with a nice glass of red. It tastes like a million bucks!

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