Thursday, October 01, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dexter!

The little puppy no longer. Dexter turns one year old today. He went from a 40 pounder to 100 in 9 months. Maybe more, not sure, because we can't find a scale big enough to weigh him. My last attempt was when he was at 70 pounds and when I was still able to lift him to a human scale.

The little pup is now much taller than me when standing on his two hind legs. He likes doing that too just to make a point. He is tall enough to see what's on the counter and what's cooking on the stove. HAZARDOUS!! His nose was cinched a little by the heat last week because he was too close to the range. Luckily, Dexter doesn’t know the taste of human food so he has no idea what good stuff he is missing.

The little pup is becoming a good communicator. He is very good at using his front paws to get your attention. It’s his version of high-5. Be careful though, a whack from him will send you spinning. Dexter also has a “man voice” now – that’s what the store manager at Pet Food Express said. No more puppy yelp. He now has a commending bark that echoes. He is a dog with few words but you do have to listen to him when he has something to say because he will stand in front of you and talk until you take notice.

Dexter still has cute little white teeth and big floppy ears. The ears still flip backward like he is wearing them in buns. Other dog people have told us that it will happen less because the ears will stiffen up as he gets older.

So how much more will Dexter grow? Don’t know yet. He will stay on puppy food until at least one and a half years old. He should be around 140 or 150 when he is full grown. At last measurement, he was about 30” tall at shoulder and 41” long but that was three months ago. He is still small compared to some Great Danes in the park but I’m not complaining. He is just right in my opinion.

So, happy happy birthday my little four-legged man! Great to have you here and it’s even greater that you share the same birthday as Grandpa.

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