Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Naked Wine Try

Let's Get Naked!  I got to try out a group coupon deal couple of months ago.  A case of Naked Wines for $69.

What's Naked Wines?  I don't know why it's naked, but I see it as a support system in which customers pay forward monthly (like an investment) to help fund small wineries with their wine business.  In return, they get to buy wines at a good discount.  Naked Wines recognizes that small independent winemakers do not have the financial means to compete with wine conglomerates in marketing and distribution.  So, its goal is to provide support through collective efforts.

I wasn't too interested at first but I liked the concept and I figured that I would be doing a good thing. And heck, what's there to lose anyway?

I got the case within two days of ordering.  Wow!  Fastest delivery ever!  It came at 8am on a Saturday morning - kind of early for wine delivery (cough-cough).  It was like a mystery box because I didn't know what they sent.  When ordering this deal, you only get to choose red, white or mix.  International or US.  I chose All California and hoped for the best.

First Observation: Funky wine names and labels.  All screwed tops except a couple.  Most are from 2010 and 2011.  Hmmm.... not sure if I like this very much, but being a good sport, I shall not judge until I try.

See. Swirl. Smell and Sip.  So for the following four weeks, I did my tasting and dutifully jotted down my thoughts with each wine.  Naked Wines welcome comments on its site so I did my share.  I actually learned a lot from reading others' comments.  I also liked that the winemakers are active in the forums and they exchange dialogues with the customers enthusiastically.  Although I don't know how to express in proper wine lingo, I found my "experience" was on par with other folks'. So, does this mean my tasting skill is improving?  I sure hope so.  Hiccups!

Professional or not, cheap or not, good or not, I enjoyed my case of Naked Wines. But would I go back to order from them?  Probably not any time soon.  You see, I can pick up similar wines at the supermarket in the same price range so why should I go through ordering?  On the other hand, a part of me says I should - for equal value - because I'll do my share to support the independent winemakers.

While I ponder, here are pictures of the wines I tried.  I tried 11 out of the 12 bottles.  I'm just not into moscato so I'll leave that last bottle alone for now.

Ken Deis Napa Valley Cabernet/Merlot 2011

Interesting blend.  Nice dark ruby color and rich bouquet.  Don't think it as a cab.  It's not as dry or full bodied but well balanced.  Easy to drink on its own.

William Henry Sauvignon Blanc 2010
I like the grassy, "green" feel. I like the acidity in t his wine.  Not complicated but delightful.

Accord Santa Maria Chardonnay 2009 - I liked the rich color and the bouquet.  My only regret is that I used some to make cioppino.  Should have saved for drinking instead.

Stephen Millier Angels Reserve Shiraz 2011 - Easy to drink.  It's better on the nose than on the palate.  Perhaps it need some aging.

Credence Nectar California White NV - Fruity, structured.  Nice finish.  I knew it was going to be off-dry but still a little bit too sweet for me.

Sin Fronteras Tempranillo 2011 - Fruity.  Medium-bodied.  Beautiful color.  Drink well without food.  Best to finish it in one day.  Turned sweet on day 2.

William Henry Gewurztraminer 2011 - A little bit on the sweet side.  It had a subtle floral note and a nice pineapple finish.  It's a nice afternoon wine.  Goes well with a cobb salad or a light cheese plate.

Da Da Da Lodi Chardonnay 2011 

Crispy.  Light.  Not the chardonnay style I like. It reminds me more like a pinot grigio.  But I think this is the style that the chardonnay is trending to.

Bear & Crown Merlot Sonoma Valley 2011 

I have not had merlot in a long while so glad to give this a try.   I like it better on the palate than on the nose.  A wine to drink with something meaty.

Semilla Lake County Sauvignon Blanc 2011  - Fruity. Crisp. Balanced. Really enjoyed it.  This one I would order again.

Stephen Millier Angels Reserve Viognier 2011 

Refreshing and nice floral nose. I like the honey finish yet not overly sweet.  Better than TJ's Honey Moon in body.

Overall, the wines are young and off-dry.  I think the small wineries may not have the capacity to make more complex wines.  But, big kudos all around for passion and for having fun.

1 comment:

Adam Reiter said...

Su-Tsen, loved the review and really appreciate you taking the time to write it. Your photography is fantastic! Hope you continue to buy wine from us and support independent winemakers.

Also, come up to the winery in Sonoma so we can give you a killer tour and you can meet some of the winemakers yourself and ask them why we are so different!

You can email me at or feel free to give me a call 707-723-4762
