Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

So, I'm 49 today.  One more year and I'll be half a century old.

Looking back, the last 48 years have gone by in a blur even in human years. It's a great run so far.  It may not have been smooth sailing but who does not have bumps and bruises along the way?

I don't have a lot of money but I am comfortable in my little world.  I don't need a lot.  I just need enough. There is not much more a girl needs.  (OK, OK, I don't mind winning the lotto!!)

I am blessed with a wonderful family.  My greatest wish is that my family stays healthy and happy.

I am blessed with a soul mate for the past 27 years and I would not trade this relationship for anything else.

I am blessed with bunch of friends who love me for who I am.  I don't have hundreds and hundreds of friends, but I have ones who grew up with me and are now growing old with me.

I may not be young anymore but that's only physically.  What's important is that I stay young at heart.  After all, 49 is really pretty young even in human years.  I still have a long road ahead of me.

Happy Birthday to me.

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