Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Time in a Bottle

This little vodka bottle (375ml) has been in my freezer for almost 20 years.  It's a nice size for the freezer - not too big; not to small.  It fits the side door perfectly.  I got it from the DFS duty paid store for $10 and I haven't been able to find one the same size in stores elsewhere.

This little bottle fed me dinner when my mom was in acute rehab for 30 days after her brain surgery.

I would rush to the hospital to relief my dad after work every night.  I stayed with my mom until 11:30pm or so then I came home to prepare next day's lunch and dinner for my dad who would go back to the hospital to stay with my mom for the next 12 hours.

After I cooked and cleaned up, it would be about 1am or so every night.  I had no appetite and would take a shot of super chilled vodka from this little bottle then go to bed. It put me to sleep but did not supply the nutrients.  I lost over 10 pounds in 30 days.

On the last day of my mom's stay at the hospital, I toasted myself with 2 shots of vodka and kissed the bottle.  "We made it," I cheered!

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