Saturday, July 07, 2012

Mom's Pork Chops (台式排骨飯)

I made mom's pork chops over rice for dinner tonight and bragged about it on Facebook.  I got few ooos and ahhhhs and requests for the recipe.

Most of mom's dishes have no written recipes so it's great that I'm actually documenting as I cook through her memory.  So here goes... my mommy's pork chops.

Thin cut pork chops – can be bone in or boneless.
1 large onion
1 bunch of sour cabbage
3 -4 cloves of garlic sliced
red chili peppers
green onion, ginger and garlic for the marinade.

·      Pound the pork chops to break down the fiber
·      Marinate pork chops in soy sauce, sugar, green onion, ginger and garlic.  Leave overnight but no more than 48 hours (you don’t want the chops to become too salty)
·    Flour the pork chops and deep fry.  Set aside
·    Thinly slice onion
·      Wash and rinse sour cabbage.  May want to soak it for 15 minutes so it’s not too sour
·      Saute red chili peppers in hot oil, add onion
·      Cook onion until soft, add salt and pepper
·      Add enough water to cover onion, bring to a boil
·      Adjust taste with salt, pepper, sugar, soy sauce
·      Add the pork chops, turn down heat and let simmer

·      Saute garlic and sour cabbage
·      Add sugar, salt, pepper, and a little bit sesame oil.  Set aside

To serve, put pork chop on top of rice.  Ladle onion and sauce over.  Add sour cabbage on top.  Enjoy!

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