Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The 2012 Freezer Food Challenge

THE GAME: Last March, I put myself to a freezer food challenge. For the entire month of March, I challenged myself to cook with only what was in the freezers.  Yes, it was a test of my cooking creativity (and recipe searching).

My mom and dad were good sports. They went along and cheered whatever I made and ate the dishes enthusiastically. I think we lasted 28 days. I made good progress with food inventory reduction, and I shamelessly declared myself winner of the 2011 freezer food challenge(applause please)

A year later, my two freezers are packed again. How that happened?  Well, I guess we're playing the easy-freezy game again.

SAME GAME RULES: I can only use what's in the freezer and in the pantry. No buying of new food except milk, eggs, bread/bagels, veggies and fruits. I do need to get onions, garlics, cilantro, green onions - you know, things that make food taste good. And, beer and wine, pIease. Timeouts on Saturdays and on days that we get sick of eating freezer foods.

LET THE GAME BEGINS!  So starting tomorrow, it's all about frozen food.  I hope now with a game under my belt, I'll be able to do better and be more creative than last year. Oh, the pressure... the pressure...

Hopefully, this also means I'll go back to more regular blogging.  Hey, and with my Project 365, I think this will be a very busy month.  Now, that's a good challenge!

Wish me luck peeps!
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